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FIRST® Robotics Compeition (FRC) is an international organization where participating teams across the world are given themed tasks to be completed by the robots they build. Each January a new theme and new challenges are announced. Teams race to strategize, design, and build up their robots and teamwork skills to compete in regional and global competitions.

My Roles


Team members around laptop

>> The engineering design process is a core part of any engineering project. In sub-teams I've gone through idea-analysis and iteration after iteration of prototypes. There may be a "final product" due to time constrants but the design process is a never ending cycle.


2018 robot CAD assembly

>> Autodesk Inventor is a great tool creating both individual components and large assemblies. I have used CAD (computer aided design) to model several robot components and put together the full CAD assmblies for many of our robots.


Java code example

>> In my last season of FRC I began to learn Java, the choice coding language of our team, and wrote commands to control the robot's mechanisms through Xbox controllers and autonomously. This sparked my interest in computer science.

My Team

HYPE logo

Our team #5254, named HYPE (Helping Youth Pursue Exellence), was founded in 2014. I joined as a freshmen in 2017 and participated in it all of my four years of high school.

Robotics is a great way to blend a variety of engineering aspects into one. On a small team of 15 people, everyone gets to have a variety of niches.

Notable Team Achievements:

  • Qualified for World Championships 3 times in 5 years
  • Finalists in Carson Division at World Champs
  • Autonomous Award at both 2019 offseason events

COVID-19: Due to the fast arrival of the covid-19 virus our 2020 season, my final season, was cut short before we had a chance to compete. Team members started using their 3D printers to make face visor rims instead of parts for robots. It may have ended too soon, but the friendships and skills will not be lost.

Behind the Scenes

At HYPE's 2019 season at the Finger Lakes Regional at the Rochester Institute of Technology sub-team leaders were interviewed by FIRST Updates Now. Here the team's analysis and design process are discussed in detail.